Mail Forwarding

Forwarding your mail wherever you are in the world is a safe and easy way to collect your mail. To have a postal address/post box with us, you do not have to live near Poststugan. Whether you live elsewhere in Sweden or if you live abroad, we take care of forwarding letters and mail for you. You choose how often we resend to you. You can also choose to have your mail scanned and sent digitally via email. See tab Digital post.

We receive your mail (PostNord, Bring, DHL, etc.).
Sorts the mail for you.
Stores the mail safely at Poststugan.
Forwards with PostNord to you, in Sweden or abroad, whenever you want.
We will surely shred/burn the mail that you do not wish to be forwarded.
Prices for forwarding are specific per customer depending on weight and where we will forward the mail.

Please contact us at, or customer service: 040-12 44 22.