Digital postbox

Digital postbox is a safe and easy way for you to receive your letters and mail. You have access to your own digital mailbox wherever you are and can read your scanned mail from key authorities, companies and individuals.

  • No risk that your letters in your digital mailbox may fall into the wrong hands.
  • Save time when you do not have to empty your mailbox, we handle the digital mail for you.
  • Read your digital mail wherever and whenever you want.
  • Avoid delayed invoices, government records or notifications by promptly delivered scanned mail to your digital mailbox.
  • Leave the neighbor alone to help you empty your mailbox – Poststugan will do that for you!
  • You as an entrepreneur can easily read and reply to your letters online.
  • Comfortable and easy if you are living abroad part of the year. Poststugan’s digital mail service facilitates your life!
  • If you are studying elsewhere and do not want to wait for the forwarding, the digital mailbox at Poststugan is for you.

Today’s world is spinning faster and we are all part of it. We are also in more places, not only on vacation but also at work. We try to compensate for this by setting up different systems that help us in different respects.

Our digital post is just such a help system where we facilitate your everyday life. We will help you set up a specific postal address. When you have the address ready, we receive all your mail in the form of letters from various actors, authorities, companies and private individuals. We scan your mail, convert it digitally and send it to your mail inbox in pdf format. Simple, environmentally friendly and functional.

We establish a confidentiality agreement where we, among other things, agree on how you wish your physical letters to be handled; if they are to be shredded or sent to the specified address according to an agreed schedule.

Our many years of experience as a mail distributor guarantee your safety.

Prices for Digital postbox are dependent on what your wishes are as a customer and to what extent this applies. How often you want to receive your scanned mail, which documents you want to receive – for example, you can opt out of flyers. You can choose to have your original post posted, stored or shredded.

    Prices P.O. Box rental

    Smallest period for rental is 3 months. Payment in advance. No invoicing for individuals applied. Order and make your payment online on the website.

    1 person

    3 months



    2 persons

    3 months




    Prices as above (V.A.T. included)

    Contact us today at 040-12 44 22 or